Thursday, August 25, 2011

Win a two minute promo video on your business!

Good Afternoon Everyone,

Thank you to all the businesses who have responded to my call for expressions of interest in the 2011/12 financial year Customer Care Program membership.  I’m extremely pleased in that we have captured a multitude of very elite businesses in the local area.

I have though, had a number of requests to again extend the time allowed for returning the EOIs due to people either being on holidays or just plain flat chat and not had time to sit down and consider the benefits.  I don’t want anyone to miss out on the opportunity to participate and would love to have as many businesses on board as possible so that we can promote this group intensively.

Here’s what I propose to do:

All of the businesses who have already returned their EOI to me PLUS the next 50 businesses who do, (I’ll number them as I receive them), will go into a lucky dip to win a “Two minute promotional video” on your business (Valued at $500).  I will announce the winner next Thursday, 1st September.  It will then be time to move forward, distribute invoices and get on with delivering the promised benefits!

So waste no time, we’re really excited about the the quality of promotion that your membership will enable us to provide.  Some really great benefits on top of the mystery shopping campaign make it well worth your while. 

For those of you who have not already done so, I invite you to read the attached letter welcoming you to express your interest in continuing as an accredited member of the Customer Care Program for the 2011/12 financial year at a cost of $100 including GST.

Please return your completed expression of interest form by:
Wednesday, 31st August 2011.